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Philipsburg Townhall Meeting

With Attorney Greg Overstreet

March 25th, 2024, at 4:30pm

Philipsburg Townhall


Council in attendance: Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Mayor Daniel Reddish, Scott Lyons. Council absent: Gary Fujinami, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, and John Laigaie. Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor, and Attorney Greg Overstreet.

Call to Order: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.


Items to review with attorney:

  1. Letter to Property Owner – By the Silver Springs

  • Address of resident

  • Approximate date of construction (about 2 weeks from advertise for the bid). The second week in May is estimated to start construction.

  • The contract will contain language that the contractor will not cross the boundary lines.


  • 2. New water tank.

  • Make sure there is enough area to work within the fence line.

  • Is there enough land on the righthand side to construct a 2nd water tank.

  • Need a land title for the funders.

  • Survey the property.

  • Certificate of survey amendment will work.

  • Memorialize the property.

  • Mayor Reddish will send a letter to the property owners about new tank construction.


  • 3. Reserve funds.

  • Can the Town hold reserve funds for emergencies?


  • 4. Sprinkling restrictions.

  • Mayor Reddish will talk to Public Works about setting up a schedule for summer sprinkling restrictions.


  • 5. Community Garden

  • Public Works stated that the area on the South side of the running track would be a sufficient spot to place a garden.

  • Town will provide space and water.

  • Meets MMIA standards for liability.

  • Contract will be reviewed by Greg Overstreet.

  • Watering will cease if there is an emergency.

  • Can’t grow invasive plants (such as baby’s breath)


  • 6. Resort Tax

  • ATV’s and luxuries possibly not taxed.

  • ATV rentals will be taxed.

  • Accessories not determined.

  • Draft Ordinance – Council doesn’t want the Ordinance to say random audits.

  • Make sure the Ordinance matches the ballot language.

  • Clothing with logos of the area will be taxed.

  • Nonprofits will not be taxed. Alcohol sold by nonprofits will be taxed.

  • Get a clarification on all Alcohol sales.

  • Add Vendors to Ordinance to be taxed.



Councilman Lyons made a motion to adjourn, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

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