Philipsburg Townhall Meeting
With Attorney Greg Overstreet
March 25th, 2024, at 4:30pm
Philipsburg Townhall
Council in attendance: Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Mayor Daniel Reddish, Scott Lyons. Council absent: Gary Fujinami, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, and John Laigaie. Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor, and Attorney Greg Overstreet.
Call to Order: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
Items to review with attorney:
Letter to Property Owner – By the Silver Springs
Address of resident
Approximate date of construction (about 2 weeks from advertise for the bid). The second week in May is estimated to start construction.
The contract will contain language that the contractor will not cross the boundary lines.
2. New water tank.
Make sure there is enough area to work within the fence line.
Is there enough land on the righthand side to construct a 2nd water tank.
Need a land title for the funders.
Survey the property.
Certificate of survey amendment will work.
Memorialize the property.
Mayor Reddish will send a letter to the property owners about new tank construction.
3. Reserve funds.
Can the Town hold reserve funds for emergencies?
4. Sprinkling restrictions.
Mayor Reddish will talk to Public Works about setting up a schedule for summer sprinkling restrictions.
5. Community Garden
Public Works stated that the area on the South side of the running track would be a sufficient spot to place a garden.
Town will provide space and water.
Meets MMIA standards for liability.
Contract will be reviewed by Greg Overstreet.
Watering will cease if there is an emergency.
Can’t grow invasive plants (such as baby’s breath)
6. Resort Tax
ATV’s and luxuries possibly not taxed.
ATV rentals will be taxed.
Accessories not determined.
Draft Ordinance – Council doesn’t want the Ordinance to say random audits.
Make sure the Ordinance matches the ballot language.
Clothing with logos of the area will be taxed.
Nonprofits will not be taxed. Alcohol sold by nonprofits will be taxed.
Get a clarification on all Alcohol sales.
Add Vendors to Ordinance to be taxed.
Councilman Lyons made a motion to adjourn, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.