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June 18th, 2024

6:00 P.M. Philipsburg Townhall


Council in attendance: Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Gary Fujinami, Mayor Daniel Reddish, Scott Lyons, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, John Laigaie. Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor (online), Great West Joel Rice, Robert Hansen, Elena Gagliano (online).


CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.




Public Comment Non-Agenda and Agenda Items

- Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes.

Elena Gagliano requested the Ordinance on food trucks and public notices. Elena Gagliano asked about the food truck with the for-sale sign on it.  Mayor Reddish stated that the food truck on Broadway that is for sale has nothing to do with the Town.


Minutes of Prior Meeting

-June 4th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the minutes from June 4th, 2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills Payable

-June 5th-17th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the bills payable from June 5th-17th, 2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


All Other Bills Payable

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve all other bills payable en masse, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



-June 5th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the payroll from June 5th, 2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



-June 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the financials from June 2024, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Journal Vouchers

-May 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the journal vouchers from May 2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting

Sewer Lagoon Update

Great West RPR Joel Rice updated the Council on the progress of the Lagoon. 1.)  Sagar walls are standing. 2.) Liner is being put in. 3.)  The roof is being put on the UV Treatment Building. 4.) The elevation of the Lagoon is about done.

Mayor Reddish stated that the DEQ stopped by the office and inspected the Lagoons on June 4th, 2024. The DEQ was very positive about the project.

Special Projects Maureen Connor stated that DEQ is also a part of the State Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF is a portion of the Town’s funding for the Lagoon Project.

Councilman Sundstrom asked, “Joel Rice if the UV light at the Lagoon Project is the same as the Water Plant?” Joel Rice stated that he wasn’t familiar with the Water Plant.

Councilman Fujinami asked, “What is the time limit on the UV treatment is to kill bacteria?” Joel Rice stated that UV kills bacteria almost instantly.

Special Projects Maureen Connor stated that Joel Rice gave Amelia Wood (reporter from the Deerlodge/Philipsburg Newspaper) a tour of the Lagoon Plant and that there will possibly be an article in the paper next week.


Water Update

Special Projects Maureen Connor gave the Council an update on Water Projects.

  1. Broadway/Montgomery Project – The alley road improvements are to be completed for access in the neighborhood while the Montgomery is closed. Temporary water will be set up. Then construction will start on Montgomery Street.

  2. The Water PER (for groundwater and transmission) draft should be available next week and then a meeting will be held with the Engineers to discuss the PER.


Stormwater Update

Special Projects Maureen Connor gave the Council an update on the Stormwater Project.

  1. The Council had a meeting with Great West Engineering on the Stormwater PER.

  2. The PER was sent back for corrections.

  3. The next step will be to hold a Public Hearing.



Silver Springs Project Award Bid- Action Item

-Motion, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

The HDR Engineers recommended awarding Swank Construction the bid for the Silver Springs Project.

Councilman Sunstrom stated that it appears that bids seem to be coming in at double the price of the Engineer’s estimate.  Councilman Sundstrom asked, “Maureen Connor if this is a matter that the Council should expect from now on?” Maureen Connor stated that the Engineers are having a hard time estimating the cost of materials because of the fluctuation of prices.

Councilman Lyons asked, “If the Contractors are privy to the Engineer’s estimate during the bidding process?”  Maureen Connor stated that it isn’t normal to include the Engineer’s estimate in the bid packet, however, they could ask for the estimate.

Councilman Fujinami asked, “If the pumps for the Springs Project also included the pumps at the Water Plant?” Maureen Connor answered that the project includes the Springs and the Water Plant pumps.

Councilman Sundstrom made a motion to award Swank Construction the Silver Springs Project, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




HDR Task Order #1 Amendment Tank -Action Item

-Motion, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

Special Projects Maureen Connor stated that staff have been working on what the Town can afford on the Tank Project. The Tank Project will be the biggest expenditure paid out of the ARPA grant. Maureen Connor stated that the Tank Project will be advertised and put out for bid before the holidays with construction starting in 2025.

Councilman Fujinami asked, “If the old tank will be rebuilt with this project?” Mayor Reddish stated that the Town will have two tanks to use and that possibly in the future the Town will have the money to rehab the old tank.

Councilman Sundstrom asked, “If Stahley has worked with HDR in the past?” Mayor Reddish stated that Stahley is a reputable company.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve HDR Task Order #1, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Stahly Task Order #1 Tank Survey – Action Item

-Motion, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

Councilman Sundstrom asked, “If the current tank is still operable?” Councilman Lyons stated that the current tank will be able to be used in case of an emergency.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve the Stahly Task Order #1, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and them motion passed unanimously.


Pioneer – Dam 5 Year Inspection – Action Item

-Motion, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve Pioneer to do the 5-year dam inspection,



Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction




*** In addition to the regular attendance at Town Hall, the Town will be using the video                 conferencing service


Meeting ID: 6165576972

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